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新能源材料与器件“实验班”系列报告之五十六:Biogas upgrading to pipeline quality methane: A bacteriological (Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis)approach
作者:材料学院  审核: 来源:材料学院  编辑:王文艳 点击:[] 日期:2019年05月27日

报告题目:Biogas upgrading to pipeline quality methane: A bacteriological (Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis)approach


报告人:Dr. Naveen Reddy Katukuri


Dr. Naveen Reddy Katukuri

Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Naveen Reddy Katukurigot his Master degree from Andhra University, India. And he got his Ph.D degree fromUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciencesin 2018. Now he working as a post-doctor inQingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Wind and biomass are promoted worldwide as sustainable forms of energy. Anaerobic digestion (AD) of biomass produces biogas with∼50−70% CH4and 30−50% CO2. Biogas containing higher concentrations of CH4(>90%) has higher heating value and can be used as fuel for cars or transported through the national gas grid. Nevertheless, although several biogas upgrading methods exist, their cost is commonly high. Biological biogas upgrading, coupling the H2, produced by water electrolysis, with the CO2in biogas and converting it to CH4, has been recently promoted. Although biological biogas upgrading has several advantages, the direct H2injection in the reactor (in situ upgrading) can cause technical challenges. CO2removal could lead to a substantial increase of pH negatively affecting the process. In addition, H2low gas−liquid mass transfer rate is a process’ limiting factor,because it must be dissolved in reactor’s liquid phase to be utilized by microorganisms.

Our current research focus on, development ofa novel reactor configuration and efficient hydrogen delivery system. Moreover, investigation of combined effect on biogas upgradation and microbial community structure.


下一条:艺术学院:廉政树新风 治学德为先——音乐会




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